11 de octubre de 2006

Rig Veda III libro I: himnos XI al XV (en inglés)

Hymn 11

इन्द्रं विश्वा अवीव्र्धन समुद्रव्यचसं गिरः रथीतमंरथीनां वाजानां सत्पतिं पतिम सख्ये त इन्द्र वाजिनो मा भेम शवसस पते तवामभि परणोनुमो जेतारमपराजितम पूर्वीरिन्द्रस्य रातयो न वि दस्यन्त्यूतयः यदी वाजस्य गोमत सतोत्र्भ्यो मंहते मघम पुरां भिन्दुर्युवा कविरमितौजा अजायत इन्द्रो विश्वस्यकर्मणो धर्ता वज्री पुरुष्टुतः तवं वलस्य गोमतो.अपावरद्रिवो बिलम तवां देवा अबिभ्युषस्तुज्यमानास आविषुः तवाहं शूर रातिभिः परत्यायं सिन्धुमावदन उपातिष्ठन्त गिर्वणो विदुष टे तस्य कारवः मायाभिरिन्द्र मायिनं तवं शुष्णमवातिरः विदुष टे तस्य मेधिरास्तेषां शरवांस्युत तिर इन्द्रमीशानमोजसाभि सतोमा अनूषत सहस्रं यस्य रातय उत वा सन्ति भूयसीः
indraṃ viśvā avīvṛdhan samudravyacasaṃ ghiraḥ rathītamaṃrathīnāṃ vājānāṃ satpatiṃ patim sakhye ta indra vājino mā bhema śavasas pate tvāmabhi praṇonumo jetāramaparājitam pūrvīrindrasya rātayo na vi dasyantyūtayaḥ yadī vājasya ghomata stotṛbhyo maṃhate magham purāṃ bhinduryuvā kaviramitaujā ajāyata indro viśvasyakarmaṇo dhartā vajrī puruṣṭutaḥ tvaṃ valasya ghomato.apāvaradrivo bilam tvāṃ devā abibhyuṣastujyamānāsa āviṣuḥ tavāhaṃ śūra rātibhiḥ pratyāyaṃ sindhumāvadan upātiṣṭhanta ghirvaṇo viduṣ ṭe tasya kāravaḥ māyābhirindra māyinaṃ tvaṃ śuṣṇamavātiraḥ viduṣ ṭe tasya medhirāsteṣāṃ śravāṃsyut tira indramīśānamojasābhi stomā anūṣata


1 ALL sacred songs have magnified Indra expansive as the sea,The best of warriors borne on cars, the Lord, the very Lord of strength.2 Strong in thy friendship, Indra, Lord of power and might, we have no fear.We glorify with praises thee, the never-conquered conqueror.3 The gifts of Indra from of old, his saving succours, never fail,When to the praise-singers he gives the boon of substance rich in kine.4 Crusher of forts, the young, the wise, of strength unmeasured, was he bornSustainer of each sacred rite, Indra, the Thunderer, much-extolled.5 Lord of the thunder, thou didst burst the cave of Vala rich in cows.The Gods came pressing to thy side, and free from terror aided thee,6 I, Hero, through thy bounties am come to the flood addressing thee.Song-lover, here the singers stand and testify to thee thereof.7 The wily Susna, Indra! thou o'er-threwest with thy wondrous powers.The wise beheld this deed of thine: now go beyond their eulogies.8 Our songs of praise have glorified Indra who ruleth by his might,Whose precious gifts in thousands come, yea, even more abundantly.

Hymn 12

अग्निं दूतं वर्णीमहे होतारं विश्ववेदसम अस्य यज्ञस्य सुक्रतुम अग्निम-अग्निं हवीमभिः सदा हवन्त विश्पतिम हव्यवाहं पुरुप्रियम अग्ने देवानिहा वह जज्ञानो वर्क्तबर्हिषे असि होता न ईड्यः तानुशतो वि बोधय यदग्ने यासि दूत्यम देवैरा सत्सि बर्हिषि घर्ताहवन दीदिवः परति षम रिषतो दह अग्ने तवं रक्षस्विनः अग्निनाग्निः समिध्यते कविर्ग्र्हपतिर्युवा हव्यवाड जुह्वास्यः कविमग्निमुप सतुहि सत्यधर्माणमध्वरे देवममीवचातनम यस्त्वामग्ने हविष्पतिर्दूतं देव सपर्यति तस्य सम पराविता भव यो अग्निं देववीतये हविष्मानाविवासति तस्मै पावक मर्ळय स नः पावक दीदिवो.अग्ने देवानिहा वह उप यज्ञं हविश्च नः स न सतवान आ भर गायत्रेण नवीयसा रयिं वीरवतीमिषम अग्ने शुक्रेण शोचिषा विश्वाभिर्देवहूतिभिः इमं सतोमं जुषस्व नः
aghniṃ dūtaṃ vṛṇīmahe hotāraṃ viśvavedasam asya yajñasya sukratum aghnim-aghniṃ havīmabhiḥ sadā havanta viśpatim havyavāhaṃ purupriyam aghne devānihā vaha jajñāno vṛktabarhiṣe asi hotā na īḍyaḥ tānuśato vi bodhaya yadaghne yāsi dūtyam devairā satsi barhiṣi ghṛtāhavana dīdivaḥ prati ṣma riṣato daha aghne tvaṃ rakṣasvinaḥ aghnināghniḥ samidhyate kavirghṛhapatiryuvā havyavāḍ juhvāsyaḥ kavimaghnimupa stuhi satyadharmāṇamadhvare devamamīvacātanam yastvāmaghne haviṣpatirdūtaṃ deva saparyati tasya sma prāvitā bhava yo aghniṃ devavītaye haviṣmānāvivāsati tasmai pāvaka mṛḷaya sa naḥ pāvaka dīdivo.aghne devānihā vaha upa yajñaṃ haviśca naḥ sa na stavāna ā bhara ghāyatreṇa navīyasā rayiṃ vīravatīmiṣam aghne śukreṇa śociṣā viśvābhirdevahūtibhiḥ imaṃ stomaṃ juṣasva naḥ


I WE choose Agni the messenger, the herald, master of all wealth,Well skilled in this our sacrifice.2 With callings ever they invoke Agni, Agni, Lord of the House,Oblation-bearer, much beloved.3 Bring the Gods hither, Agni, born for him who strews the sacred grass:Thou art our herald, meet for praise.4 Wake up the willing Gods, since thou, Agni, performest embassage:Sit on the sacred grass with Gods.5 O Agni, radiant One, to whom the holy oil is poured, burn upOur enemies whom fiends protect.6 By Agni Agni is inflamed, Lord of the House, wise, young, who bearsThe gift: the ladle is his mouth.7 Praise Agni in the sacrifice, the Sage whose ways are ever true,The God who driveth grief away.8 God, Agni, be his strong defence who lord of sacrificial gifts,Worshippeth thee the messenger.9 Whoso with sacred gift would fain call Agni to the feast of Gods,O Purifier, favour him.10 Such, Agni, Purifier, bright, bring hither to our sacrifice,To our oblation bring the Gods.11 So lauded by our newest song of praise bring opulence to us,And food, with heroes for our sons.12 O Agni, by effulgent flame, by all invokings of the Gods,Show pleasure in this laud of ours.

Hymn 13

सुसमिद्धो न आ वह देवानग्ने हविष्मते होतः पावक यक्षि च मधुमन्तं तनूनपाद यज्ञं देवेषु नः कवे अद्या कर्णुहि वीतये नराशंसमिह परियमस्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये मधुजिह्वंहविष्क्र्तम अग्ने सुखतमे रथे देवानीळित आ वह असि होता मनुर्हितः सत्र्णीत बर्हिरानुषग घर्तप्र्ष्ठं मनीषिणः यत्राम्र्तस्य चक्षणम वि शरयन्तां रताव्र्धो दवारो देवीरसश्चतः अद्या नूनं च यष्टवे नक्तोषासा सुपेशसास्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये इदं नो बर्हिरासदे ता सुजिह्वा उप हवये होतारा दैव्या कवी यज्ञं नो यक्षतामिमम इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः बर्हिः सीदन्त्वस्रिधः इह तवष्टारमग्रियं विश्वरूपमुप हवये अस्माकमस्तुकेवलः अव सर्जा वनस्पते देव देवेभ्यो हविः पर दातुरस्तु चेतनम सवाहा यज्ञं कर्णोतनेन्द्राय यज्वनो गर्हे तत्र देवानुप हवये
susamiddho na ā vaha devānaghne haviṣmate hotaḥ pāvaka yakṣi ca madhumantaṃ tanūnapād yajñaṃ deveṣu naḥ kave adyā kṛṇuhi vītaye narāśaṃsamiha priyamasmin yajña upa hvaye madhujihvaṃhaviṣkṛtam aghne sukhatame rathe devānīḷita ā vaha asi hotā manurhitaḥ stṛṇīta barhirānuṣagh ghṛtapṛṣṭhaṃ manīṣiṇaḥ yatrāmṛtasya cakṣaṇam vi śrayantāṃ ṛtāvṛdho dvāro devīrasaścataḥ adyā nūnaṃ ca yaṣṭave naktoṣāsā supeśasāsmin yajña upa hvaye idaṃ no barhirāsade tā sujihvā upa hvaye hotārā daivyā kavī yajñaṃ no yakṣatāmimam iḷā sarasvatī mahī tisro devīrmayobhuvaḥ barhiḥ sīdantvasridhaḥ iha tvaṣṭāramaghriyaṃ viśvarūpamupa hvaye asmākamastukevalaḥ ava sṛjā vanaspate deva devebhyo haviḥ pra dāturastu cetanam svāhā yajñaṃ kṛṇotanendrāya yajvano ghṛhe tatra devānupa hvaye


1 AGNI, well-kindled, bring the Gods for him who offers holy gifts.Worship them, Purifier, Priest.2 Son of Thyself, present, O Sage, our sacrifice to the Gods today.Sweet to the taste, that they may feast.3 Dear Narasamsa, sweet of tongue, the giver of oblations, IInvoke to this our sacrifice.4 Agni, on thy most easy car, glorified, hither bring the Gods:Manu appointed thee as Priest.5 Strew, O ye wise, the sacred grass that drips with oil, in order due,Where the Immortal is beheld.6 Thrown open be the Doors Divine, unfailing, that assist the rite,For sacrifice this day and now.7 I call the lovely Night and Dawn to seat them on the holy grassAt this our solemn sacrifice.8 The two Invokers I invite, the wise, divine and sweet of tongue,To celebrate this our sacrifice.9 Ila, Sarasvati, Mahi, three Goddesses who bring delight,Be seated, peaceful, on the grass.10 Tvastar I call, the earliest born, the wearer of all forms at will:May he be ours and curs alone.11 God, Sovran of the Wood, present this our oblation to the Gods,And let the giver be renowned.12 With Svaha pay the sacrifice to Indra in the offerer's house:Thither I call the Deities.

Hymn 14

ऐभिरग्ने दुवो गिरो विश्वेभिः सोमपीतये देवेभिर्याहि यक्षि च आ तवा कण्वा अहूषत गर्णन्ति विप्र ते धियः देवेभिरग्न आ गहि इन्द्रवायू बर्हस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम आदित्यान्मारुतं गणम पर वो भरियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः दरप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ईळते तवामवस्यवः कण्वासो वर्क्तबर्हिषः हविष्मन्तोरंक्र्तः घर्तप्र्ष्ठा मनोयुजो ये तवा वहन्ति वह्नयः आ देवान सोमपीतये तान यजत्रान रताव्र्धो.अग्ने पत्नीवतस कर्धि मध्वः सुजिह्व पायय ये यजत्रा य ईड्यास्ते ते पिबन्तु जिह्वया मधोरग्ने वषट्क्र्ति आकीं सूर्यस्य रोचनाद विश्वान देवानुषर्बुधः विप्रो होतेह वक्षति विश्वेभिः सोम्यं मध्वग्न इन्द्रेण वायुना पिबा मित्रस्य धामभिः तवं होता मनुर्हितो.अग्ने यज्ञेषु सीदसि सेमं नो अध्वरं यज युक्ष्वा हयरुषी रथे हरितो देव रोहितः ताभिर्देवानिहा वह
aibhiraghne duvo ghiro viśvebhiḥ somapītaye devebhiryāhi yakṣi ca ā tvā kaṇvā ahūṣata ghṛṇanti vipra te dhiyaḥ devebhiraghna ā ghahi indravāyū bṛhaspatiṃ mitrāghniṃ pūṣaṇaṃ bhagham ādityānmārutaṃ ghaṇam pra vo bhriyanta indavo matsarā mādayiṣṇavaḥ drapsā madhvaścamūṣadaḥ īḷate tvāmavasyavaḥ kaṇvāso vṛktabarhiṣaḥ haviṣmantoaraṃkṛtaḥ ghṛtapṛṣṭhā manoyujo ye tvā vahanti vahnayaḥ ā devān somapītaye tān yajatrān ṛtāvṛdho.aghne patnīvatas kṛdhi madhvaḥ sujihva pāyaya ye yajatrā ya īḍyāste te pibantu jihvayā madhoraghne vaṣaṭkṛti ākīṃ sūryasya rocanād viśvān devānuṣarbudhaḥ vipro hoteha vakṣati viśvebhiḥ somyaṃ madhvaghna indreṇa vāyunā pibā mitrasya dhāmabhiḥ tvaṃ hotā manurhito.aghne yajñeṣu sīdasi semaṃ no adhvaraṃ yaja yukṣvā hyaruṣī rathe harito deva rohitaḥ tābhirdevānihā vaha


1 To drink the Soma, Agni, come, to our service and our songs.With all these Gods; and worship them.2 The Kanvas have invoked thee; they, O Singer, sing thee songs of praiseAgni, come hither with the Gods;3 Indra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Mitra, Agni, Pusan, Bhaga,Adityas, and the Marut host.4 For you these juices are poured forth that gladden and exhilarate,The meath-drops resting in the cup.5 The sons of Kanva fain for help adore thee, having strewn the grass,With offerings and all things prepared.6 Let the swift steeds who carry thee, thought-yoked and dropping holy oil,Bring the Gods to the Soma draught.7 Adored, the strengtheners of Law, unite them, Agni, with their Dames:Make them drink meath, O bright of tongue.8 Let them, O Agni, who deserve worship and praise drink with thy tongueThe meath in solemn sacrifice.9 Away, from the Sun's realm of light, the wise invoking Priest shall bringAll Gods awaking with the dawn.10 With all the Gods, with Indra, with Vayu, and Mitra's splendours, drink,Agni, the pleasant Soma juice.11 Ordained by Manu as our Priest, thou sittest, Agni, at each rite:Hallow thou this our sacrifice.12 Harness the Red Mares to thy car, the Bays, O God, the flaming ones:With those bring hitherward the Gods.

Hymn 15

इन्द्र सोमं पिब रतुना तवा विशन्त्विन्दवः मत्सरासस्तदोकसः मरुतः पिबत रतुना पोत्राद यज्ञं पुनीतन यूयं हि षठा सुदानवः अभि यज्ञं गर्णीहि नो गनावो नेष्टः पिब रतुना तवंहि रत्नधा असि अग्ने देवानिहा वह सादया योनिषु तरिषु परि भूष पिब रतुना बराह्मणादिन्द्र राधसः पिबा सोमं रतून्रनु तवेद धि सख्यमस्त्र्तम युवं दक्षं धर्तव्रत मित्रावरुण दूळभम रतुना यज्ञमाशाथे दरविणोदा दरविणसो गरावहस्तासो अध्वरे यज्ञेषु देवमीळते दरविणोदा ददातु नो वसूनि यानि शर्ण्विरे देवेषु ता वनामहे दरविणोदाः पिपीषति जुहोत पर च तिष्ठत नेष्ट्राद रतुभिरिष्यत यत तवा तुरीयं रतुभिर्द्रविणोदो यजामहे अध समा नो ददिर्भव अश्विना पिबतं मधु दीद्यग्नी शुचिव्रत रतुना यज्ञवाहसा गार्हपत्येन सन्त्य रतुना यज्ञनीरसि देवान देवयते यज
indra somaṃ piba ṛtunā tvā viśantvindavaḥ matsarāsastadokasaḥ marutaḥ pibata ṛtunā potrād yajñaṃ punītana yūyaṃ hi ṣṭhā sudānavaḥ abhi yajñaṃ ghṛṇīhi no ghnāvo neṣṭaḥ piba ṛtunā tvaṃhi ratnadhā asi aghne devānihā vaha sādayā yoniṣu triṣu pari bhūṣa piba ṛtunā brāhmaṇādindra rādhasaḥ pibā somaṃ ṛtūnranu taved dhi sakhyamastṛtam yuvaṃ dakṣaṃ dhṛtavrata mitrāvaruṇa dūḷabham ṛtunā yajñamāśāthe draviṇodā draviṇaso ghrāvahastāso adhvare yajñeṣu devamīḷate draviṇodā dadātu no vasūni yāni śṛṇvire deveṣu tā vanāmahe draviṇodāḥ pipīṣati juhota pra ca tiṣṭhata neṣṭrād ṛtubhiriṣyata yat tvā turīyaṃ ṛtubhirdraviṇodo yajāmahe adha smā no dadirbhava aśvinā pibataṃ madhu dīdyaghnī śucivrata ṛtunā yajñavāhasā ghārhapatyena santya ṛtunā yajñanīrasi devān devayate yaja


1 O INDRA drink the Soma juice with Rtu; let the cheering dropsSink deep within, which settle there.2 Drink from the Purifier's cup, Maruts, with Rtu; sanctifyThe rite, for ye give precious gifts.3 O Nestar, with thy Dame accept our sacrifice; with Rtu drink,For thou art he who giveth wealth.4 Bring the Gods, Agni; in the three appointed places set them down:Surround them, and with Rtu drink.5 Drink Soma after the Rtus, from the Brahmana's bounty: undissolved,O Indra, is thy friendship's bond.6 Mitra, Varuna, ye whose ways are firm--a Power that none deceives--,With Rtu ye have reached the rite.7 The Soma-pressers, fain for wealth, praise the Wealth-giver in the rite,In sacrifices praise the God.8 May the Wealth-giver grant to us riches that shall be far renowned.These things we gain, among the Gods.9 He with the Rtu fain would drink, Wealth-giver, from the Nestar's bowl.Haste, give your offering, and depart.10 As we this fourth time, Wealth-giver, honour thee with the Rtus, beA Giver bountiful to us.11 Drink ye the meath, O Asvins bright with flames, whose acts are pure, who withRtus accept the sacrifice.12 With Rtu, through the house-fire, thou, kind Giver, guidest sacrifice:Worship the Gods for the pious man.

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